Recent content by rbynnbird

  1. rbynnbird


    that is awesome!
  2. rbynnbird


    Hey! i just learned how to knit a few months ago! I have been working on hats and scarves for the Angel Tree ministry at my church, and i think i want to try my hand at something a little more intricate, anybody have any nice patterns that are fairly easy, yet not so plain that i could try? i...
  3. rbynnbird

    New Jersey

    OH OH OH!!! i found a free coop on craigslist!! I may be getting my chickens sooner than expected so long as the coop is still available! Trying to no get too exceited but I can't help it!
  4. rbynnbird

    Green thumb is itching, anyone else?

    LOL thanks rancher! yeah that really is the holdup. we don't have the coop yet and don't have the funds right now to build one. i keep scouring craigslist for free (or really cheap) stuff to use but haven't found anything that i like quite yet in the area *sigh*. The search continues...
  5. rbynnbird

    Green thumb is itching, anyone else?

    Nope not yet! My hubby and I will be getting them in the spring next year (if i can't convince him to get them earlier).
  6. rbynnbird

    Green thumb is itching, anyone else?

    I used to think they were pretty cool looking until i saw what they were capable of in just a short time! now they are the bane of my existence! cant wait to get my chickies so they can start on bug patrol next year!
  7. rbynnbird

    Green thumb is itching, anyone else?

    Ahh!!!!! i just plucked 5 hornworms off my tomato plant!!! i am soo afraid there are more but i can't do any more searching until the storm passes!!! Nasty evil creatures!
  8. rbynnbird

    Green thumb is itching, anyone else?

    gelanie, i didn't know that they would sprout more roots if you buried part of the vine! very interesting! Thanks for the info everyone!
  9. rbynnbird

    Green thumb is itching, anyone else?

    Thanks queen chick! i will keep that in mind! is there anything else i can do about the borers? i know there is nothing i can do about it this year but my garden isn't all that big so i don't think i can move them far enough away from the affected area.
  10. rbynnbird

    Green thumb is itching, anyone else?

    I love my garden! This years season isn't even over and i am already planning what to plant where next year! Something has killed my squash plants already. I think it is some kind of worm that burrowed into the plant and hollowed it out...Its a shame, i was really enjoying the fresh summer...
  11. rbynnbird

    One thing your kid(s) did that made you laugh today.

    My 3 year old came in with an egg that he had dropped on the floor and declared "oh no its leaking! Help! fix it!" I couldn't get him to understand that i couldn't fix it, so i just told him to give it to the dog, he then proceeded to feed 3 more eggs to her. I found it frustrating yet funny...
  12. rbynnbird

    New Jersey

    Oh and i am waiting until we have the funds to build a coop before i jump in and get chicks.
  13. rbynnbird

    New Jersey

    I am in franklinville, my brother lives in moorestown and he is only 30 mins away!
  14. rbynnbird

    New Jersey

    You aren't too far from me! No chickens here yet but hopefully soon!
  15. rbynnbird

    New Jersey

    Shadow Rabbit, i am close to vineland, so waaayyyy south, I will have to check out Jersey Chickens. Thanks!
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