Recent content by Refolden

  1. Refolden

    Chicken Breed Focus Rhode Island Red

    I live in southwest Virginia no lights in coop and it has been in upper 50's this week. I am hens for eggs. Thanks
  2. Refolden

    Chicken Breed Focus Rhode Island Red

    I would probably need some chicks are ones that are ready to go out in the coop and run. Thanks I am completely new with this have never raise chickens so it is a learning experience as I go not sure if I'm ready to do the incubator thing
  3. Refolden

    Chicken Breed Focus Rhode Island Red

    I am looking for 4 RIR where can I get them
  4. Refolden

    Hi all

    Is it too late in the season for me to get cheatcc I am about to get my chicken coop finished wondering if I should wait till spring ?
  5. Refolden

    New and excited to start raising chickens

    I was wondering if it's too late in the year for me to get started raising chickens. The coop and run is not quite finished late take me another couple weeks or so because of my work schedule so I was just wondering
  6. Refolden

    The start of my coop and run

    That is fine 4 is good for first time owner I was told more but I was thank 4 Thanks Rhonda
  7. Refolden

    The start of my coop and run

    It is the coop and run. Total size is 8 x 6 coops is 4x6 my plans are 6 hens.
  8. Refolden

    The start of my coop and run

    . Will post more pic as we go
  9. Refolden


    I am hoping to to get the coop and run done soon then I post pic.
  10. Refolden


    Ok thanks
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