Recent content by rhackenb

  1. rhackenb

    The waste! Oh the wasted feed...

    I have used a 2 gallon dry dog food feeder from Walmart with success. You fill the plastic jar with feed from the lid in the bottom of the inverted jar that is screwed into the base. The feeder. It isn't the one shown but it is similar. There is very little waste. I thought I only paid...
  2. rhackenb

     Non GMO & Organic Feed

    I, too, am interested in this. I am selling my eggs to a local company that sell only organic produce and meat. To supply them eggs they required that I feed completely organic chicken feed. I had been using Layena and Dumor (which I think is a Purina product). Specifically, does either of...
  3. rhackenb

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Can you use any of the bulk grains from stores like Whole Foods?
  4. rhackenb

    Need help with nest box. My builder is gone.

    How many chickens are you trying to accommodate? I have three nesting compartments in my tractor coop for 14 chickens and they seem to be comfortable with that. I simply took the framed space available (probably closer to 46 inches) and erected two dividers made of thin plywood. The only...
  5. rhackenb

    Looking for good portable coop plans... I don't mind paying for them

    You might want to look at the one I built. It's large enough for our 14 chickens and easy to move. It would be relatively easy to scale it down for your needs.
  6. rhackenb

    Chicken tractor floor

    The tractor coop that I just built uses half inch hardware cloth for the main floor of the coop. It is about 15 inches off the ground and most of the poop falls through. Some of it cakes together on the hardware cloth and we simply use a hoe to pull it out one of the doors. We never get much...
  7. rhackenb

    Large tractor coop

    I've just posted a coop design on This is for a large tractor coop that I house 14 chickens in. The coop is working very well after modifications once it was in operation. You can see the full set of detailed instructions and a lot of photos at...
  8. rhackenb

    What is the minimum time a chick needs to be in a brooder?

    I live in Indiana. By April 1 it will still be chilly. I think you answered my question. The only issue is keeping them warm. How big do chicks get after one month? My guess is that they are much larger than they were as peeps. Thanks for the feedback.
  9. rhackenb

    What is the minimum time a chick needs to be in a brooder?

    I will be getting my chicks in about two weeks. I will build a brooder based on many of the excellent ideas shown in this forum. What I would like to know is what is the earliest point where I can move them a tractor coop. They will be the only ones in it. Is it a matter of simply...
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