Recent content by rick0200

  1. rick0200

    Keeping Quail cool in the heat

    They don't seem to stand on them too long. Just a minute or two. But I do like the hanging idea. I just ordered lunch box Ice packs that are heavy plastic and about 1/2" thick so it's easier to walk on. I'll have to keep an eye on them when we use them. But I...
  2. rick0200

    Quail can't walk or stand

    Wow, this must be a common issue. I have the same problem with one of my 10 day old chicks. Got up a day ago and found her lying in the brooder. Her legs are crossed under her and she can't seem to walk on them. I don't think she's even moving them because when she wants to move, she's...
  3. rick0200

    Quail cage ideas

    As far as the heat goes, I live in NW Indiana; not nearly as hot as FL but in june, july, and August, the temps run in the 90's to low 100's. I've been putting ice in their waters and have been freezing the flatter whiskey bottles for them to walk on. I realized that there was much in the...
  4. rick0200

    Quail cage ideas

    Ouch, that's tough. These guys do make a mess. The cages I listed above have poop trays and they work pretty well, but I've seen these birds project their poop outside of the cage.
  5. rick0200

    Nurture Right 360 temp fluctuating

    For what it's worth, I have a Chinese Incubator that does the same thing. The temp is like a yoyo but as long as I watch it, I can manage to keep the temp between 99.1 and 100. I've come to look at averages more now, as I can't rely on a steady temperature. I've hatched out two sets of eggs...
  6. rick0200

    Quail cage ideas

    Here is what I'm doing and so far, it's working out great. I purchased these cages: I then purchased this Chicken run: I mounted the Wabbit cages inside the chicken run. The Wabbit cages are awesome for about four to five birds easily...
  7. rick0200

    Keeping Quail cool in the heat

    I've been raising quail now for about a year and a half. The roughest part of raising these hardy little birds is watching them suffer the heat. I live in NW Indiana and we can get some pretty hot, humid days without wind on a steady basis throughout the summer. Average temps in June...
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