Recent content by Safronsue

  1. S

    what can i feed my young turkeys?

    Hi, my 4 month old turkeys are both a bit poor looking, kind of thin, scrawny. They are free range and on the same feed as the chooks, which are all fine. I read turkeys need more protein so i bought some soya mix and some mixed seeds and also tried soaked alfalfa pellets that the horse eats...
  2. S

    Duck beheader turner egg thief

    Thanks.nice idea but sounds expensive
  3. S

    Duck beheader turner egg thief

    It began when a runner duck was noted missing...then I found her head. Nothing else. The nest containing the eggs, all intact, that she had been brooding, was nearby. Couple weeks later and we realize 4 eggs have disappeared from a well hidden nest in the oregano patch. Then 2 from another...
  4. S

    Duck or hen brooder for my turkey eggs?

    I’ve got 4 fertile turkey eggs. I’ve got an incubator as well as some runner ducks and a couple of jersey giant hens who I would much rather use for the job. How should I best go about encouraging broodiness and not jeopardise the turkeys? Put a clutch of chickens eggs down and see if someone...
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