Recent content by Sallyscovy

  1. S

    Is adding more ducklings a good idea?

    Hello everyone, I currently have 9, 11 week buff orphington chick and two 6 week old ducks living together. All females. I want to get the ducks more friends. Will two more female ducklings bond with my other ducks? Or did they need to be tiny babies raised in a brooder together? Help I’m not...
  2. S

    Hoover's Hatchery Golden 300

    Is this a male or female duck? I have two babies that look very similar
  3. S

    Duckling breed identification help

    I picked up these two cuties last night at TSC because I thought they may be Silver Appleyard but upon further research it seems the black feet don’t match that breed description. They have a very loud chip, black tail, feet and Mohawk. Does anyone have any guesses?
  4. S

    TSC Duckling Identification

    Did you ever find out what breed they are? I have the same ones right now!
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