Recent content by Shelly80

  1. Shelly80

    3 week old Speckled Sussex gender? UPDATE: 7 week old pics!

    Yes, she's a pullet. :) this is her a couple weeks ago.
  2. Shelly80

    Speckled Sussex~ cockerel or pullet?!

    Ok, thank you guys. :)
  3. Shelly80

    What kind of Ameraucana is this?

    THIS! x10 FWIW- the feed stores usually just label them what the hatchery tells them they are...most don't have a clue.
  4. Shelly80

    Speckled Sussex~ cockerel or pullet?!

    Here is my Speckled Sussex, 'Spaz', who's now 12 weeks old. Got as a pullet....have thought cockerel since about 2 weeks old. He's always had that up-right, check everything out, long legged boyish look to him. He still hardly has a tail...but comb and waddels aren't that big/noticeable. I was...
  5. Shelly80

    Ameraucana or EEs and gender help

    I just seen where you said they're 5 weeks old. If it were me...I would wait at least another 4-6 weeks before deciding. Yes...they both have distinced 3 rows in their comb but the pullets will also have that and looking at the 2nd one- by color I'd say pullet. At just 5 wks it could go either...
  6. Shelly80

    Can you tell me which is my MPC Olive Egger?, and help guess the others?? (Picture Heavy)

    Since an Olive Egger is a mixed breed (blue egg layer x dark brown egg layer) you probably won't know which one it is until it lays. Unless you can call and ask what they use for their mix & if they know what it looks like...but even then I'd be sceptical about getting rid of any of them until I...
  7. Shelly80

    Ameraucana or EEs and gender help

    X2 Also...They're EE. Very pretty.
  8. Shelly80

    Cockrel or Pullet?

    Pullet. You can tell by 12 plenty old.
  9. Shelly80

    Easter Eggers or Wyandottes

    Pics will be the best way for us to help you. You should be able to tell by their combs- wyandottes have a rose comb & the EE 'should' have a pea comb. The EE might have fluffier cheeks but not always. How old are they now?
  10. Shelly80

    Welsummer pullet or roo??

    Dang it...the second pic didn't here it is...of the chest. Like i said...pullets will have no black on chest- here you can see the black coming in.
  11. Shelly80

    Welsummer pullet or roo??

    Can you get a pic of the chest? (Front view) welsummer cockerels will have black on their chest...pullets will be a coral color with no black. This is my welsummer cockerel around 6 weeks old (I think...can't remember exactly) can see the black coming in on the chest and the red coming in...
  12. Shelly80

    3 week old Speckled Sussex gender? UPDATE: 7 week old pics!

    This is a great thread...anyone want to weigh in on if my SS is a cockerel or pullet? Just a few days under 12 weeks. Was supposed to be a pullet...I was thinking cockerel from about 2 weeks old. Still not much of a tail...but the comb and waddels should be bigger and more red if male...right?
  13. Shelly80

    2 Welsummer chicks, both roos?

    Thanks but I'm aware of that. These aren't my first chicks. We send the extra roos to freezer camp.
  14. Shelly80

    new to the chicken world! Help!

    He's a Roo. I'd guess White Leghorn....unless that's wheaten coloring on him & not dirt, then not sure but wheaten color chickens are pretty.
  15. Shelly80

    2 Welsummer chicks, both roos?

    Oh, no need to be's not a big deal. Just means I can get 1 or 2 more Welsummer-that are hopefully pullets. My 15 "pullets" are looking to only be about half of them pullets & half of them far as I can tell right now.
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