Recent content by Shunky

  1. Shunky

    Why is my chick's leg like this, and why is it hurt now?

    Now I have yet another problem! My chick has a wound on the same side as her injured leg-here's a picture. It's under her wing, so I held her wing up to show you! Please help, this one is more important than her leg! I don't want it getting infected....her leg is getting better, too, it's only...
  2. Shunky

    Why is my chick's leg like this, and why is it hurt now?

    Thank you so much everyone!!! Yes, it's a "lonely-only"..... we looked for other chicks for sale, but couldn't find any so we decided that a few eggs would do. The eggs are only a week away from hatching-hopefully we won't have only one little guy anymore! I hope that all your suggestions help...
  3. Shunky

    Why is my chick's leg like this, and why is it hurt now?

    I'm a she, but thanks for the concern! Here is the link, and it's gotten a tiny bit better that earlier, and he's taught himself to hop around a bit on one leg, though it seems to tire him out and he rests quite frequently. His two moms are now resting happily with him on their two new eggs that...
  4. Shunky

    Why is my chick's leg like this, and why is it hurt now?

    About a week ago my two hens hatched a chick. The little thing is really hurt though, and it had to have just happened today. His right leg is all purple, deep red, and semi-swollen. He won't walk on it, will eat a bit, and refuses to drink any water. He keep just lying there and the two hens...
  5. Shunky

    My broody is in her fifth week!

    My two bantom hens went broody around 5 weeks ago as well. We got them each a egg to sit on and they hatched one, then they quit being broody. That's how we solved it, hope that helps!
  6. Shunky

    Another jelly egg!

    Try this. When you eat their eggs, save the shells. dry them out, then crumble them up and feed it to them. It makes their egg shells get harder. I really helped my chickens. You could drop an egg on the ground before we did that, then now you can throw one of their eggs onto the hard packed...
  7. Shunky

    Our only chick is being pecked enough to bleed, please help!

    Lol! Ok, thanks! I'll see what we can do if they don't stop soon.
  8. Shunky

    Our only chick is being pecked enough to bleed, please help!

    We thought of that as well, but we have the issue of her warmth. Thanks for the reply! We would, and we most likely will end up doing that if they don't stop, but we don't want her to be totally alone.... or freak the hens out. If I don't get any other replies and they're still being mean...
  9. Shunky

    Our only chick is being pecked enough to bleed, please help!

    Our two bantam hens went broody after our rooster ran away, so we got 1 fertilized egg for both of them. One of them hatched and we're not sure which hen hatched it. The other egg was a dudd and didn't hatch at all. The baby was fine for a few days, as it's only a few days old, but ever since...
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