Recent content by SirPecksALot

  1. SirPecksALot

    Help! I think I have some roosters

    I'm no expert by any means, but I agree, they all look like pullets. I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but from what I know, one of the easiest ways to tell for a chicken who's older than about 12 weeks old is the saddle feathers, at the base of the tail. Pullets tend to have softer, rounded...
  2. SirPecksALot

    Is this a fertilized egg?

    While the 'bullseye' is usually showing that an egg is fertile, sometimes a hen can lay an infertile egg with a bullseye. If you're wondering if one of your 'hens' is actually a roo, you can always post a picture of them in the "What breed or gender is this" section. Usually, the people over...
  3. SirPecksALot

    Chick with deformed wing

    Aww, Nemo's a perfect name! Please keep posting pictures as they grow!
  4. SirPecksALot

    Any artists out there?

    Hi, haven't posted here in... months, really. In the time since I've last posted on this thread, I've started using Krita, which is... a lot easier to use than Pencil2d, at least for me. I've tried watching tutorials, but always get bored within like 10 minutes, so instead I've been trying to...
  5. SirPecksALot

    My Question Is This: Do you have regrets keeping your rooster?

    We've had quite a few roosters over the time we've had chickens. We've had a bunch we did have to get rid of- whether they were aggressive to people, or the chicks, or just had really poor genetics. But we've also had a couple great roosters- including our current Legbar X roo, Ketchup. Whether...
  6. SirPecksALot

    Any artists out there?

    Another character design... in this one, I tried out coloured line art and the shading took... way too long.
  7. SirPecksALot


  8. SirPecksALot

    Any artists out there?

    So, I took another long break (And by 'long break' I mean 'forgot this thread existed for two months) and have improved a bit more. So, to celebrate my improvement, I found the oldest digital art character design I could, and redrew it! The original is about three years old by the way. Anyway...
  9. SirPecksALot

    Any artists out there?

    Haven't been here for a while, but I'm back with new knowledge about a complicated process to get decent shading in Pencil2d! This took way too long to figure out...
  10. SirPecksALot

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    I probably should've posted this here earlier, but anyways, here's Violet (41-day-old mini goat) in her rainbow bandana for pride month!
  11. SirPecksALot

    Goat Thread!

    I have a question for people who are more experienced with goats. We have two 1-year-old Saanen-Alpine does with massive horns, who weigh at least 100 pounds each. We also recently got a tiny doeling, Violet, who is mostly Nigerian Dwarf, but one of her great-grandparents was a Nubian. She's six...
  12. SirPecksALot

    What Species is This?

    What species is this chick? They're one day old, and probably not a chicken. Apparently, they hatched under a duck, and when the duck realized they weren't a duckling, she wanted nothing to do with them. Also, the owner of the duck doesn't have chickens. We took them in and quickly got two...
  13. SirPecksALot

    Goat Thread!

    Here's a picture of Violet in her pen!
  14. SirPecksALot

    Any artists out there?

    For my first time trying to draw goats digitally, in my style, I think this turned out... alright? The background is very rushed, and the drawing of the goat on the left looks stiff, but it's not terrible. I was trying to draw my new goat, Violet (A five-day-old mini) meeting one of my older...
  15. SirPecksALot

    Goat Thread!

    Today we got our third goat! She's a Nubian-Nigerian Dwarf cross, and she was the smallest of her siblings. Her name is Violet, and she's very playful and cuddly, and loves her stuffed rabbit. She's only four days old and is absolutely tiny. It's our first time bottle-feeding a goat, and it's...
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