Recent content by smilestill

  1. smilestill

    help amend chicken ordinances in enid, oklahoma

    I am curious as well. What is the current status?
  2. smilestill

    It has to be cute: Suggestions and Idea for making a feeder and waterer look like a old fashion farm

    --- most profound law; the law of the happy wife. To be honest it was past a long time ago when the idea of getting chickens was somewhat strange and foreign to her (where as now, I think she is much more excited about getting them again (after a move) than anyone else). Making the silos still...
  3. smilestill

    It has to be cute: Suggestions and Idea for making a feeder and waterer look like a old fashion farm

    These were, have been, and likely always will be the conditions on which I am allowed to own chickens: The coop, the pen, everything (including the chickens) have to be cute. *scratches head* This time around I have designed the coop to look like your stereotypical red barn, and would like...
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  5. smilestill

    I made a hanging feeder and waterer!

    Thanks for posting your feeder and waterer. I can't believe I never thought of such a elegant solution to the problem!
  6. smilestill

    Instructable on making your own waterer / feeder

    By keeping the handles intact on the external cowl (ok, non-technical speech translation: the bigger bucket) you should be able to easily pickup the bucket and move it indoors, or, hang it somewhere out of the way. That is a great suggestion. Thanks oh, and I would love to see your design when...
  7. smilestill

    Instructable on making your own waterer / feeder

    I am a long time reader, but haven't posted much in the past. Great website, great forum. It has been the answer to many of my questions. Thanks! I posted an instructable last night on how I make my waterer and feeders for my flock. I would love your expert feedback. Thanks...
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