Recent content by SmittenChicken

  1. SmittenChicken

    Live stream of incubator hatch this weekend!

    Zip alert! We have an egg making a lot of progress as of 11 am MDT. And no fewer than 3 dry chicks under the broody hen!
  2. SmittenChicken

    Live stream of incubator hatch this weekend!

    Hi Guys- Doing a live stream of my incubator hatch again, in case any of you need a hatching fix this weekend! Links in my signature. I have eggs hatching in a Farm Innovators circulated air incubator -- 1 hatched early this morning, 2 are currently pipped and 5 more we're still waiting on. I...
  3. SmittenChicken

    Broody Hen Thread!

    I had a hatchery Black Star hen go broody at two years old, almost immediately after a fox wiped out most of her flock. She was on shipped eggs and only hatched 3/12, but she was an EXCELLENT mother and very good natured. Great instincts and very easy to work with. She's 5 years old now and...
  4. SmittenChicken

    Live video from my incubator -- streaming now!

    Thanks for watching! I ended up with 1 Cochin x Welsummer, 2 black mystery chicks, and 5 awesome little Faverolles x Welsummers (which I got from a BYC member). Really cute little guys. Another hatch is due next weekend and I'm planning to stream that one as well. :-)
  5. SmittenChicken

    Live video from my incubator -- streaming now!

    Someone else on this board did a live stream as I was getting ready for my first hatch back in April, and I found it really helpful to see just how long it takes! Glad to hear it may be useful to you too. Thanks for watching! We're up to 3 chicks now -- one Cochin x Welsummer (silver chick)...
  6. SmittenChicken

    Live video from my incubator -- streaming now!

    Hi Everyone- I've got eggs hatching in the next day or so (1 of 13 pipped so far). It's a bit like watching paint dry, but you can see the live stream here. I'll be posting regular updates on Facebook, if you want to be notified when a chick's about to hatch. :-) Here's what's in the...
  7. SmittenChicken


    Hi fellow Coloradans- I'm looking for some eggs to stick in the incubator (hopefully next week). Anyone have fertile eggs in the Denver-Boulder-Ft.Collins area that I could pick up? Barnyard mixes are great but I'd be especially thrilled to find Speckled Sussex/Barnevelder/Marans/EE. I'd take...
  8. SmittenChicken

    Gender ID of 9 week EE?

    Hmmm, I don't know about this one but I'm leaning towards cockerel. I have 4 EE/Speckled Sussex crosses that look a lot like yours, from what I can see that coloring looks a lot like my pullets (the cockerels both have black chests, the pullets both have red.) Does yours have black feathers...
  9. SmittenChicken

    The Age Old Question! Help Me Out Here... Pullet or Cockerel

    I think the EE and Marans are definitely girls. I don't know anything about Mottled Javas, but the tail on that one looks girly to me as well. Hopefully someone more experienced will chime in. :-) Lovely birds!
  10. SmittenChicken

    Could this be a pullet? (EE+RIR cross, 12 weeks)

    This is Crispy, whose father is a red EE and mother is a Rhode Island Red. At first I thought pullet, but then I changed my mind to cockerel when Crispy started getting dark red splotches on the wings. Now I'm leaning toward pullet again because the patterning is much more uniform and the comb...
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