Recent content by smudge

  1. smudge

    Preening gland - orange gunk

    I don't have a picture. I'll try to get one later. She came to me with a mighty mite problem, and I've gotten rid of the worst of that problem (which is good, because I ran out of benedryl for myself). And I think feather lice as well. At least, I suspect those masses I've been pulling off...
  2. smudge

    Preening gland - orange gunk

    I thought the preening gland was supposed to exude clear oil. I've received a problem girl whose gland looked a bit dirty. I cleaned it up and massaged it and orange gunk came out. Is that concentrated preening gland oil, or does she have an infection? BTW, I've observed this girl preen but...
  3. smudge

    My Chicken Died! 😥

    It happens. My daughter's all-time-favorite hen died suddenly at age 4. I recall giving the girl a once over, commenting to her how nice her comb color was and how soft her feet were, and how much healthier she looked than the younger birds... and the next morning she was dead (heart attack?)...
  4. smudge

    HELP 6wk RIR Pullet Ate Yarn!

    As the owner of the paracord swallowing chick, *I'm* still amazed! The biggest danger is a blockage, I think, and some fibers "stick"/felt more than others. Keep us updated either way. <3
  5. smudge

    Long Islanders.... I know you are out there

    Have you tried networking with anyone in the Long Island Chickenkeepers Facebook group? This seems to be a common problem. (I'm east of you - the rules are different when you get past the end of the LIE.)
  6. smudge

    Pullet swallowed a foot of paracord.

    Sorry it's taken me so long to reply... Annabell seems to be doing fine, although she's a bit of a loner. I've been pairing her up with my 6 year old Buff Orpington, Lucy, who's been a bit out of sorts since her best friend died on Easter. (from...
  7. smudge

    Hen's comb ripped. Then dubbed by herself? Can't stop bleeding.

    Update: she's made it to 6 years old. She is the only one of my original 6 who is still alive!
  8. smudge

    Squating or Laying: which comes first?

    My June hatched Light Brahma/Fayoumi cross pullet started hatching last weekend, so I suspect your full Fayoumi should be at any time. However, if your's is anything like my Fayoumi hen, she might be hiding her eggs. The first eggs from my Fayoumi hen I ever found was only because of my Light...
  9. smudge

    Pullet swallowed a foot of paracord.

    Annabell laid her first egg Saturday morning, just before her trip to see Santa! I told Santa she'd been a good girl. Hopefully that will help anyone who encounters a similar problem. Apparently eating paracord is not automatically fatal. Who knew?
  10. smudge

    Home Needed for Light Brahma Rooster

    How sad. I've been able to keep my oopsy Light Brahma roo - he's very safe with people, even toddlers.
  11. smudge

    Pullet swallowed a foot of paracord.

    Sorry for not updating! Annabell seems to be doing fine. She hasn't passed the paracord, but she has stopped crinkling - when I put my ear to her side she sounds normal. Of course, she's also much bigger! I'll try to take a photo later this week.
  12. smudge


    The black and white one's legs and feet are the wrong color to be an Australorp. Australorp chicks have darker legs and feet.
  13. smudge

    Pullet swallowed a foot of paracord.

    I'm horrible about tracking size, but I did try taking your suggestion and weighing her the past few days, and she's put on an ounce per day. She's still smaller than her hatch mates, I think.
  14. smudge

    Pullet swallowed a foot of paracord.

    We've decided to call her Annabell, since my daughter suggested calling her Ann the day before this happened, and the paracord was tied to a bell. (If I were really punny I suppose Anabell would be apt.) She's a Light Brahma (roo) x Fayoumi (hen). Another photo of her:
  15. smudge

    Pullet swallowed a foot of paracord.

    Well, she's still with us, and still curious about far too much. Her rate of food consumption has spiked up a lot in the past few days - maybe she's getting ready for a growth spurt. I've noticed a crinkling sound (kind of like a muted cellophane) from inside her in the intestinal area/...
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