Recent content by songbirdfarms

  1. songbirdfarms

    Heating the coop

    That’s the thing, they are separated by fencing in the coop so no shared body heat. People can easily use wood burning stoves and solar powered (With inverter and deep cycle battery) propane heaters. Some do have very large combs so yes frostbite is a concern. This is my second year with them...
  2. songbirdfarms

    Heating the coop

    I run a rooster rescue Up in mid/northern Michigan and I have boys that need heat this winter. Anyone out here with thoughts? We are 100% off grid. Has anyone used a Propane camper heater? How did you House it so it vents outside? Thank you for weighing in. This is whitey one of my bantams😊
  3. songbirdfarms

    Rooster of the week!

    All such beautiful boys! I run a rooster rescue and am so happy to see all these boys kept with their families where they belong❤️❤️❤️❤️
  4. songbirdfarms

    Why do battery hens have big, floppy combs?

    Because the factory is so hot. The comb acts as a cooler for the bird.
  5. songbirdfarms

    How to secure: Weasel&Coon on the loose

    They can sleep for long periods but don’t hibernate; and I have fresh coon tracks surrounding my coop!
  6. songbirdfarms

    How to secure: Weasel&Coon on the loose

    Thanks! It’s a real feel of -2 here so the predators are getting desperate, I feel lucky to have seen the tracks.
  7. songbirdfarms

    How to secure: Weasel&Coon on the loose

    I am considering the same thing, and place they nigh pull it open leave dagger sharp edges
  8. songbirdfarms

    How to secure: Weasel&Coon on the loose

    Thanks! I’m having weasel nightmares but so far secure!
  9. songbirdfarms

    How to secure: Weasel&Coon on the loose

    I installed the lock so it catches the door a smidge so you have to grab a zip tie I’m using as a handle and really tug it to get the door to open. I ordered stainless steel zip ties online today...
  10. songbirdfarms

    How to secure: Weasel&Coon on the loose

    1/4” hardware cloth, which has become problematic because instead of falling through, the rain and snow accumulate, freeze, and are causing sagging and breaches between the sheets of hardware cloth. We are in process of adding more support, and I did a thorough zip tie check and replace today...
  11. songbirdfarms

    How to secure: Weasel&Coon on the loose

    Thank you! Before we set the run up we layed a hardware cloth “floor” extending a bit past the parameter of the run, dumped several inches of dirt over it, set the run up and attached the edges of the hardware cloth to the outside of the run. Under the door that hardware cloth is secured and...
  12. songbirdfarms

    How to secure: Weasel&Coon on the loose

    Ha, lucky for them we are live and let live over here - (not love and let eat though!) hoping the new set up sends a clear message!
  13. songbirdfarms

    How to secure: Weasel&Coon on the loose

    Oh, the hardware cloth you see to the right is a third layer, sitting over the underground layer and the original up the run layer, which someone pointed out with the earlier set up could be pulled back at the door frame- so we screwed this layer on today to the new frame.
  14. songbirdfarms

    How to secure: Weasel&Coon on the loose

    Thank you! We dug about four inches down the whole size (10x15’) of the run, layer hardware cloth 11x16’, wrapped it up and secured it to the frame around the entire parameter. Will that work is there something else I should do? I do a daily inspection for digging, except under the coop where...
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