Why do battery hens have big, floppy combs?

My Buff Orps used to lay an egg each every day. The eggs were the size of normal, store bought chicken eggs. I had a dozen eggs from twelve chickens everyday for three years-except winter- until I had to give my hens away. Is that unusual?

Do your leghorns lay in the winter without artificial lighting?

Maybe when I start a new group of chickens I will add some leghorns. My son has requested one anyway.
Didnt anyone catch the Huxley reference?
Yes, I did. I thought that was very clever.
By the way, Brave New World is an excellent book. I like dystopian literature.

Ah, a light in the storm!​
Lazy J Farms Feed & Hay :

Okay, lets get one thing straight, battery hens are NOT fed hormones.

I believe the large combs are due to the breed influence of the Leghorn, but remember these birds are bred to be very efficient producers of eggs. Comb conformation does not fit into the selection criteria for these animals.


Combs are the birds way of cooling off. The larger the comb the more body heat that can be dispersed. The cooler the bird the healthier and better layers. Also why rose combs, pea combs, etc are NOT bred on layers.​

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