Recent content by SoniaS

  1. SoniaS

    Missionary in Haiti wants help starting a chicken program

    I don't think 600 chicken dinners reflects poorly on the mission. It's very difficult to get things done over there, and besides, that was 600 tasty chicken meals . The Haitians already have established cultures and it's not always easy to implement change, even if what we propose is clearly...
  2. SoniaS

    Missionary in Haiti wants help starting a chicken program

    Is your friend in urban port au prince or the countryside? There is not much vegetation in the urban areas and homes are tightly packed. Could make an already unsanitary situation even worse. Or is she located on some sort of compound and wants to create a coop there? Even in the nicer...
  3. SoniaS

    Missionary in Haiti wants help starting a chicken program

    I was in Haiti about a month ago for work (engineer). I noticed that all of the animals are very scrawny there. The tiniest chickens, goats, dogs and cats I've seen. The only fat animals are the hogs - I guess they really do eat anything. They don't seem to treat their animals with the same...
  4. SoniaS

    Sacramento Area and Kiddo friendly chicks?

    I just purchased some silkie babies from a woman in Lincoln. Silkies are supposed to be one of the most docile and friendly breeds. I think she has silkies of all ages up there. Go to craigslist and search "silkie chicks" and you will find her. This is my third round of chickens but first...
  5. SoniaS

    California - Northern

    Hello! I'm from Sacramento. I grew up in Land Park, now I live in midtown. The chickens live at my boyfriends house in West Sacramento which is also where I work. Regarding the N. California debate, for all practical purposes, I think SF and Sac are considered N. California. I went to...
  6. SoniaS

    What breed are these chickens?

    Thanks everyone for your thoughts. Regarding the brown birds, 4 & 5 are quite a bit bigger than 6. Could they still all be production reds? I'll have to post more pictures when they get a little older. I'd like to photograph them outside, but I don't want them running away and getting lost.
  7. SoniaS

    McMurray's New Shipping Practices...has anyone heard about this?

    Yep don't stress too much. Like you I had ordered and then found all these posts and worried like crazy. But they arrived Monday morning perfectly fine chirping like crazy I've now got some super cute 3 week old chicks! And if something does go wrong, you really don't know if it is the...
  8. SoniaS

    What breed are these chickens?

    What breed are we??? Any Ideas? Just over 3 weeks old. #1 #2 #3 (The Cream one, not the Sebrights) #4 #5 #6 #7 Thanks for any and all help!
  9. SoniaS

    Newbie Here - Can you tell what I have or is it too soon?

    Do you have an idea which one is the exotic? I already figured the exotic would be a boy since that generally seems to be the case.
  10. SoniaS

    Newbie Here - Can you tell what I have or is it too soon?

    So I ordered the "Rainbow Layers" from McMurray along with 2 silver sebright bantams and they also sent me one free exotic chick and an additional sebright. They are 2 weeks old today. Too soon to tell breed or gender? I've photographed the representative birds and labeled them as follows...
  11. SoniaS

    McMurray's New Shipping Practices...has anyone heard about this?

    I literally had nightmares after reading these posts, waiting for my chicks to arrive so I was so glad when they arrived alive. Just had to post my experience to help ease other people's fears.
  12. SoniaS

    McMurray's New Shipping Practices...has anyone heard about this?

    I mail ordered chicks for the first time ever from McMurray. They were sent Saturday morning at 5am. The post office called me at 9:30 this morning (Monday). All chicks were alive in the box. We lost one this afternoon and I think I will lose another over the night. Otherwise they seem to...
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