McMurray's New Shipping Practices...has anyone heard about this?

I ordered from last Feb. They sent them express . They sent them on a Wed and I got them on Thurs morning. I ordered 15 and they sent 3 extra. All of them have done great. They are a lot less than McMurry also.
the last time i ordered from mcmurry they shipped on sat. p.o called me 7:00 a.m. on sun. they did not want chicks over the weekend i picked up my chicks 7:30 a.m. sun. every thing went well.
Oh i'm very worried now. I have some chicks coming from them in a few weeks. I've never ordered chickens thru the mail or any animal for that matter but I wanted to try and now I'm almost regretting this. I'm scared to what I will find when I go to Post office, but I pray they will be okay, I'll get them home speedy and get them some water right away like suggested. oh me...
Try not to worry too much. Most chicks that go through the post do just fine. You read about the ones who don't, because that is a problem, but truly, they usually do ok.

So sorry about your loss.We ordered a few shipment's from Mc Murray over the year's.The first one was great with a mixed bantam run.The 2nd We ordered 30 duckling's and OMG 25 arrived DOA.Maybe a couple less been a while.They refunded Us and We re-ordered a couple months later and they all arrived ok minus one.We bought 24 gosling's from them too and the PO mis routed them the day they arrived here but We got all of them home safe.I don't think it's the hatcherie's fault it's the PO.I had a lost egg shipment back a few month's ago from Ebay sadly none of the egg'
s were good and they lost a shipment of my duck egg's a couple summer's ago and they bashed my egg's and they arrived rotten and smelly a week later to 2 state's away.My PO here is great but I guess seem's some other place's have issue's and even at marked Hatching EGG's and they can hear chirping or quacking in a box they just don't care !
.I never ship any of my bird's I will only sell local.I couldn't stand the thought of one of my babie's in the hand's of a dis-gruntled potal worker!
Ok. I've been reading five pages worth of posts and now I feel I need to say a couple things. I work for one of the companies that ships packages but does not ship live animals. There is a reason for this. We push through sooo many packages a day it is not even funny. And I can tell you right now, you can throw all the fragile stickers and this way up stickers you want to on a package, but if it ain't packed well, it ain't gonna survive well. Those packages go through a whole heck of a lot of hands, and conveyor belts, sometimes falling off the conveyor belts onto floors 20 feet or more down! You want your package shipped all the way across the country and you want it there tomorrow, the same as half a million other people, its gonna be rushed. We simply do not have the time to special handle live shipments and expect them to get to where they are going successfully.
As for "disgruntled postal workers" have you seen some other people in the service industry? Do you know what goes on in the kitchens of some of those places you drive through? I understand where this fear of "going postal" came from, but at the same time alot of them are just trying to do their jobs without getting hassled. I will probably never take my children to a hospital if I can possibly help it, and will do everything in my power to make sure they stay healthy. I would rather deal with a disgruntled postal worker than an indifferent or poorly trained health care worker (and I've worked in the field, I know how to spot them).
Part of the problem alot of the hatcheries are facing is that they have grown too big, and haven't strengthened the blood of their flocks with enough outside blood to keep them fully vibrant, even the heritage or rare breeds. Although, I've heard more bad than good about McMurray recently. We ordered our birds from SandHill and while I've also heard horror stories about their people skills, I still feel they might be a better and safer bet for my money. We are currently waiting for our birds to come in May since we didn't get our order in before they sold out for previous ship dates.
In addition, the problems the post office is facing is not the current president's fault. The problems lie solely with the Post Office. By not charging what their services are actually worth (which is what fedex and ups does) they hurt themselves badly financially. It used to be having your letter delivered was a convenience, someone going that way might take it with them and get it there. Now, people expect to get this stuff to where they want it to go, when they want it to, at a very underpriced rate, and then complain when the prices go up a couple cents. Pleh! They should be charging a $1.00 for every letter that is delivered during the week and go from there. And if we don't support our Post Office system, they will go belly up, people who still rely on that system will be screwed, and all of us who depend on them for our live chicks, and even eggs, will be left hanging.
Food for thought:
Instead of complaing about why something is the way it is, figure out a way to make it into what it should be! Adding sugar and water to lemon juice creates a much better solution than complaining about the taste of lemon juice! (Thats my way of saying make lemonade out of lemons!)

p.s. apologies for misspellings, i rely on my document creator program to catch them, and when I don't use one of those nifty programs I don't always catch my mistakes!
Matthew Ryan
i would not worry to much if i were you. it will be okay. i had nothing but, good things to say about them. some people just hears the word hatchery turns them off. mccmurry is the only hatchery i have done business with,but ihave been a repeat customer over the years. i can not speak for others because i have never dealt with any. they shipped mine to south carolina with no problem,and all made it just fine
Yep don't stress too much. Like you I had ordered and then found all these posts and worried like crazy. But they arrived Monday morning perfectly fine chirping like crazy
I've now got some super cute 3 week old chicks! And if something does go wrong, you really don't know if it is the hachery or the post office (probably the latter). And remember they are in the business of selling live birds, and they do it all the time. I'm sure they don't want you to have dead birds any more than you do. It would be very bad business for them.

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Try not to worry; my golden campine chicks turned 4 weeks old yesterday and they all came from McMurray. They were shipped out on Saturday but did not arrive at my post office until Tuesday! I was so worried, but upon opening the box, all of them were chirping and quite alive! They also sent me the almost obligatory 12 red star males for warmth, but I didn't care, they were all alive!! That first night one of the red star males died along with two of the smallest little campines. (McMurray also sent me an "extra" campine because I did not want the "free exotic chick"--by the way, who only wants one anyway?!) McMurray happily refunded me in price for 2 campines at the female price because there was no way of knowing the sex of the ones that had died. I had ordered 26 females and 4 males and they gave me an additional campine, probably a male. I am very happy with this my first McMurray experience; normally, I would not even buy from a hatchery but I was in need of some rare birds, in this case, the campines. There are not any breeders close to me so I ended up ordering some to get started. Hope all works out well for you, but don't worry so much!

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