Recent content by sonnenmn

  1. S

    Rough Rooster or Pecking?

    This is the first time we've had a rooster with our hens. Is this due to a rough rooster or is there pecking going on between the ladies? There are two more like this but the others are fine.
  2. S

    Injury or disease?

    I have 2 Buff Orpington roosters that are very aggressive with the chickens and fight with each other. However, I am a little concerned about the comb. Any thoughts? It just recently got cold at night here in the Midwest so it’s not frostbite.
  3. S

    Is the Lavender an Orpington?

    Sorry I edited the title - wondering if the Lavender is an Orpington
  4. S

    New here

    Hi all, I am a newly registered member. I have searched this site often and find it as a great resource. We received a mystery chick with our meat chickens back in late April and I'm not sure if he's a Lavender Orpington or Americana. Any thoughts?
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