Recent content by Southpaw Power

  1. Southpaw Power

    Would you feed this to your chicken?

    Wow, my chickens would die for those it’s like crack to them. Very high in protein and very good for them. I would not let them turn into Beatles that would be a waste. They’re more healthier for the chickens when they are fat juicy larvae. Chickens love all insects or basically anything that...
  2. Southpaw Power


    As long as you free range your chickens during the day, the coop should be fine. They only sleep in there. But I make sure I open the coop door just as they are waking up which is most the time 530-6 o’clock in the morning every day. In the summer my girls sleep more apart from each other...
  3. Southpaw Power

    The sex fairy arrived

    Go with option #1 or #2. The original ones are still young and they really haven’t established a pecking order yet. It’ll be easier for them to comply to the group. I have older chickens, 4-5 years old and even when they were only two years old found it difficult to add new ones to the flock but...
  4. Southpaw Power

    Batam Breed Help

    Red is maybe a Red Star? And also maybe Rosa as name? She is such a sweetie pie!
  5. Southpaw Power

    Batam Breed Help

    Joe Dirt I feel is a Silver Spangled Hamburg as well. But I think the name should be changed to Joanne Dirt instead. Eggs - Yay!
  6. Southpaw Power

    Batam Breed Help

    "I feel" Mr. T should be Ms. T. "She's" looking more female to me. Eggs - Yay!
  7. Southpaw Power

    Batam Breed Help

    SPOT - Looks like a Barred Plymouth Rock to me, and even though it does have some red looking waddles there, I think it can go either way female or male. Now that I look at mine at 2.5 months old, maybe yours is a cockerel. Here's my Roxanne at 27 weeks (approx. 6 months old) All my...
  8. Southpaw Power

    LAVENDER ORPINGTON - Pullet or Cockerel

    I say pullet. I don't see much of a comb on her. And what she has is very yellowish. About 8 weeks I see a big difference in combs and wattles from other pictures. My 3 new chicks, now 7 weeks old, are very friendly but I sit with them about 5-10 minutes a day with my arms in their cage. All 3...
  9. Southpaw Power

    The Welsummer Thread!!!!

    My flock of 5 will not be turning a year old until May 2017 and 4 started to lay November and December. My Winnie Welsummer is the only one who has not started laying eggs yet. So I'm going to give my opinion about Welsummers, even though it is limited. My Winnie does great in a confined area...
  10. Southpaw Power

    The Welsummer Thread!!!!

    My Welsummer Winnie is also very reserved and is happy as can be in her own little world. My girls follow me around when I let them out to forage. If I want to get them back in before they say when, I make a noise that when they hear it, it means I will give them some dried mealworms. All come...
  11. Southpaw Power

    LAVENDER ORPINGTON - Pullet or Cockerel

    I don't see a picture. Then what is the age of your Lavender Orpington?
  12. Southpaw Power

    LAVENDER ORPINGTON - Pullet or Cockerel

    Only time will tell. I held my breath on the two that did indeed came out to be cockerels. What to do. I wish I didn't have to worry about the total chickens I'm allowed where I live. Thank you again. I will keep all posted who would like to know the final outcome. Southpaw
  13. Southpaw Power

    The Welsummer Thread!!!!

    Thank you very much for the information. It greatly makes me feel better. I do feel it might have something to do with the time of year they are becoming of age to lay eggs. I did place an automatic light in the coop but I have it coming on at 5am and turning off at 6:30am. They are like clock...
  14. Southpaw Power

    CREAM LEGBAR - Pullet or Cockerel

    Hmm, something to think about prior to getting my next babies in April 2017. My first idea about the chickens I get were due to the color of eggs they laid. I originally got a Super Blue egg layer for the blue eggs. My beautiful Bluebell came out to be my handsome Blueballs. Unfortunately, I can...
  15. Southpaw Power

    LAVENDER ORPINGTON - Pullet or Cockerel

    I'm hoping "she" is a early developer to the point I'm dreaming up reasons why all three of them are developing fast. My today thought is; Maybe due to I have them in the house with summer conditions. The coldest it gets in their mini coop is 68% and where they sleep is a toasty 75%. When I...
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