LAVENDER ORPINGTON - Pullet or Cockerel

I'm also thinking cockerel.

Orps are slow to mature, so this one may keep you guessing for a while. But for a slower developing strain, that's just too much comb for a pullet at this age. Hope for your sake I'm wrong. Let us know how things look around 8 weeks.
I'm hoping "she" is a early developer to the point I'm dreaming up reasons why all three of them are developing fast. My today thought is; Maybe due to I have them in the house with summer conditions. The coldest it gets in their mini coop is 68% and where they sleep is a toasty 75%. When I first got them, it was 75% in the coop area and 95% in the roost/sleep area.

Let me know what you think, even if it's to tell me to wake up and smell the chicken poop. I will keep you posted on "it's" development. Thanks
Hoping he/she turns out a "surprise" as well for you.
Hopefully we're all wrong about there being a little cockerel in your bunch.

Only time will tell. I held my breath on the two that did indeed came out to be cockerels. What to do. I wish I didn't have to worry about the total chickens I'm allowed where I live.

Thank you again. I will keep all posted who would like to know the final outcome. Southpaw
I'm on the fence with yours. It seems like a lot of comb for a pullet but I have a few maybes myself. Some orps just aren't obvious roo or pullets. How do the legs look? Are they thick and long? What about the feet? Does he/she stand prouder than your pullets? Has he/she showed any dominance towards the others? Are any hens showing submission to him? Any difference in chirps from the others?
As far as temperament goes, I've seen some of the most docile and sweet birds to actually be male. I've read this from others also. I'll cross my fingers for you that yours is a pullet and hopefully my maybes are too.

I have 8 Lav Orps that are 3 weeks. I'm not sure which blood line but I am thinking hink. I also have a dozen true English Lav Orps in the incu from a reputable breeder (the adults are huge and beautiful) he actually has a very rare porcelain orp. and oh my! Anyway. I'll be sharing pictures soon, but I have a few chicks that look like yours. Some of my chicks are noticeably pullet. 1 is for certain more rooish than them all- sprouted comb early, comb keeps growing and has more color than the other chicks combs. Some chicks have no comb at all, and some have only minor combs. Some in between. I try to stand the maybes up with the obvious pullet and roo to see which way they lean. I've read that orps can be tricky to sex. I'll be posting a lav orp chick heavy thread soon to get some assistance with guessing mine. I'm afraid to sell too early and end up selling a good hen ;) so I suppose i'll just have to wait till they crow or pop an egg.

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