Recent content by SqueakyRoseShalom

  1. SqueakyRoseShalom

    Can I add 8 week chicken pullets to a run with two 6 month old turkeys?

    Hi aart, THANKS FOR THE MANY EXCELLENT IDEAS! I never thought aBout early integration, so this article was very helpful! "For the future, brood the chicks in the coop for early integration." The more space...
  2. SqueakyRoseShalom

    Can I add 8 week chicken pullets to a run with two 6 month old turkeys?

    Hi EggSighted4Life, Thank you so much for the tip about setting up a panic room! What a genius idea! I can easily do this. " We usually include a panic room type set up.. with a small enough hole for the juveniles to enter and escape the biggon's if needed. This allows the older birds to see...
  3. SqueakyRoseShalom

    Can I add 8 week chicken pullets to a run with two 6 month old turkeys?

    Hello everyone! I have four 8-week-old chicken pullets that are outgrowing the brooder. I released them into my chicken flock for 30 minutes and the hens attacked them viciously and constantly. I caught the pullets and put them back in the brooder, but I need to move them soon. Can I try to...
  4. SqueakyRoseShalom

    First egg hatched in incubator and empty half shell stuck to another unhatched egg.

    Ok, I will. If I open the bator quick, should I take out the now four chicks that have hatched? I remember reading once that having the chicks chirping in the bator can encourage the other eggs to hatch, but obviously I'm tempted to take them out. Advice? Also, two other eggs started to...
  5. SqueakyRoseShalom

    First egg hatched in incubator and empty half shell stuck to another unhatched egg.

    I've been a chicken mama for 9 years and this is our first hatch in an incubator! Yay! So the first egg hatched and an empty half shell stuck to another unhatched egg completely, like a glove. If that's the half where the unhatched baby chick's beak is, is it strong enough to break through...
  6. SqueakyRoseShalom

    What happens if I don't process a meat bird after 8 weeks?

    Howdy everyone! I've been raising chickens for almost ten years now, but just laying hens and a rooster to keep them happy. I'm interested in broadening my flock to include meat birds to feed my family. When I started shopping for them, I noticed that the hatchery website said that the birds...
  7. SqueakyRoseShalom

    Feather-fixer pellets safe for baby chicks?

    Hi everyone! Happy day! I have some sweet little week-old baby chicks that our broody hen is raising with the flock. Of course, now most of our girls are molting and I want to feed everyone some feather-fixer to get over this molt as quickly as possible. We have two feeders in the coop. One...
  8. SqueakyRoseShalom

    Can I add one day-old chicks to a flock?

    heya all! Question1- I have a broody hen who has chicks that will be two weeks old on a day when I’m getting new baby chicks. Can I add the baby chicks to the flock? Will mama hen protect them or will they get pecked and trampled to death? If the answer is yes, I can add them, then...
  9. SqueakyRoseShalom

    Can we handle baby chicks today before introducing them to our broody hen?

    Hiya Chicken Family! We have a broody hen whose eggs are not hatching (4.5 weeks now) so we mail ordered chicks and they arrived today. I vaguely remember reading that it's best to introduce the chicks to mama at night time. Is it ok if we play with the chicks all day today before introducing...
  10. SqueakyRoseShalom

    None of my chickens are laying

    Welcome to the club. :hitSorry. Mine are at 24 weeks and still not laying. So far, the advice that I've received is to feed the girls more protein. So I am! I hope it works for you. In the meantime, I am becoming more virtuous. Patience isn't the worst thing in the world, even when you...
  11. SqueakyRoseShalom

    egg cleaner

    If the eggs are poopy, definitely use a little dawn or vinegar. I like to keep a spray bottle with white vinegar AND dawn in it (soapy vinegar). Spray the poopy spot and wipe it off and then just a little water to rinse. Remember that when you wash eggs, you wash off the bloom, so it's better...
  12. SqueakyRoseShalom

    21 weeks, still no eggs, and MOLTING?!!

    So I could not find that molt muffin recipe, but I did switch to a 20% protein feed two weeks ago. My girls are now 24 weeks and still nothing. But there are no more feathers in the coop and run for about ten days. Something else that I'm finding strange is a roo that we got eight weeks ago...
  13. SqueakyRoseShalom

    21 weeks, still no eggs, and MOLTING?!!

    WOW I had no idea. Thanks for the info! I will switch back to grower tomorrow :)
  14. SqueakyRoseShalom

    21 weeks, still no eggs, and MOLTING?!!

    Yes, it is hard indeed! I don't think that they are hiding them anywhere because I have looked everywhere. The combs do not look any redder than normal. I will have to try the fake eggs! That's a new one for me :P =P
  15. SqueakyRoseShalom

    21 weeks, still no eggs, and MOLTING?!!

    I switched to layer pellet at 18 weeks. 4 BR, 4 EE, and 4 Welsummer.
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