First egg hatched in incubator and empty half shell stuck to another unhatched egg.


10 Years
Mar 17, 2011
I've been a chicken mama for 9 years and this is our first hatch in an incubator! Yay! So the first egg hatched and an empty half shell stuck to another unhatched egg completely, like a glove. If that's the half where the unhatched baby chick's beak is, is it strong enough to break through since it's like a double thick shell? Should I open the incubator to remove it? It's on the pointy tip of the egg.... Thanks to all who respond!
I've been a chicken mama for 9 years and this is our first hatch in an incubator! Yay! So the first egg hatched and an empty half shell stuck to another unhatched egg completely, like a glove. If that's the half where the unhatched baby chick's beak is, is it strong enough to break through since it's like a double thick shell? Should I open the incubator to remove it? It's on the pointy tip of the egg.... Thanks to all who respond!
I would open the bator and get it off quick just make sure to be super fast the chick probably won’t make it if u don’t help
Ok, I will. If I open the bator quick, should I take out the now four chicks that have hatched? I remember reading once that having the chicks chirping in the bator can encourage the other eggs to hatch, but obviously I'm tempted to take them out. Advice?

Also, two other eggs started to hatch last night. They both completely broke the egg shelf in half and then the eggs continued to shake for over an hour after that. I had to go to bed, but this morning neither one has emerged and the eggs are quiet and still. Did I loose them? I'm so surprised because it seems like the hard work is completely done. Thanks for any help!
Only remove the chicks when there partly dry by then they should be standing on there own, then remove them to the brooder. Also remove the egg shell off the other egg.
The two other eggs might be resting from all the activity give it more time.
Make sure your humidity is back up to 65% to 70%. You can do a quick mist from a water sprayer bottle.
Ok, I will. If I open the bator quick, should I take out the now four chicks that have hatched? I remember reading once that having the chicks chirping in the bator can encourage the other eggs to hatch, but obviously I'm tempted to take them out. Advice?

Also, two other eggs started to hatch last night. They both completely broke the egg shelf in half and then the eggs continued to shake for over an hour after that. I had to go to bed, but this morning neither one has emerged and the eggs are quiet and still. Did I loose them? I'm so surprised because it seems like the hard work is completely done. Thanks for any help!
Just saw this sorry! Did they make it? And if they don’t hatch within 15-30 hours help them hatch and u can research abt that to make sure to be safe and yes u can take the other chicks out as long as they are half way dry, good luck!

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