Recent content by Teva

  1. Teva

    Comment by 'Teva' in media 'Woad Raven Ranch - Ducks | Facebook'

    @Duckfarmer1 yeah it might be the size? You can't even see their legs in this, it is zoomed in so much. The original video on my facebook page Woad Raven Ranch. I wish BYC would just let us upload videos instead of embed.
  2. Teva

    Leg injuries

    Thank you for the feedback Duckfarmer1
  3. Teva

    Leg injuries

    Here is a video of them both. I realize the tile is slippery, so I put towels down after the video so they can walk better.
  4. Woad Raven Ranch - Ducks | Facebook

    Woad Raven Ranch - Ducks | Facebook

    Two lame ducks, trying to figure out why their hocks are swollen.....
  5. Teva

    Leg injuries

    I have had ducks for two years now with no illnesses or injuries so this is new for me. I have one drake and one gal (out of 6 total) that BOTH have a bum right leg at the hock...swollen but not hot. I brought them both in and put them in my bathtub - the girl's injury is worse, she won't use it...
  6. Teva

    New to guineas

    Beautiful! Thank you for the clarification!
  7. Teva

    New to guineas

    :yaWe got our keets this morning from Cackle and they all arrived ALIVE! (2nd attempt-first attempt didn’t go as well 2 months ago) Straight run, but there is no separation of colors listed. So I went through the gallery and from what I can tell it looks like I have 7 French and 3 Lavenders...
  8. Teva

    My Peahen Lost her mate

    Thanks for your comments. She comes off the nest only once daily to call and look for him. She lets me feed her peanuts and then heads back to her nest, after about 15 minutes. We found another mate for her, we pick him up next week.
  9. Teva

    My Peahen Lost her mate

    Dilemma! My Peahen just started laying and has 4 so far. Her mate just got hit by a car this morning and didn’t make it. (More to that in a later post) Will Charlotte leave her nest to grieve? Will she return to it? I haven’t had experience with grieving peafowl so I don’t know how they...
  10. Teva

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    Has anyone used pinless peeps on an imprinted peacock?
  11. Teva

    Opinions on Ideal Poultry Hatchery?

    I have never heard of "packing peanuts" before and was shocked and saddened at all of the dead chicks in the box upon arrival. We ordered 4 Buttercups and 4 Norwegian Jaerhons - they sent 20 - and the only living chicks in the box were 4 blue and 4 buff Cochins! They were shipped on the 15th and...
  12. Teva

    Chicken Breed Focus - Polish

    Roo or pullet? This is the one being picked on. She’s? Letting me crush the sheaths off of her crest feathers lol.
  13. Teva

    Chicken Breed Focus - Polish

    Oh, no! Thank you for your advice.
  14. Teva

    Chicken Breed Focus - Polish

    I have 8 Americanas and 3 WC polish and one of them is getting their crest pecked out. They are all 8 weeks old and unsexed. Could it be from an agressive Americana roo? I may have one or two. Can you tell me what sex my 3 poles are? I have separated the picked on chick- it looks even more...
  15. Reggie


    Sold to us as an Auracana. Americana Lavender. Roo?
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