Recent content by theDregs

  1. theDregs

    I think I hypnotized my chickens with grapes (chickens=dumb)

    They never touched them. I am goin to try mealworms this weekend. I am a bit afraid that the site of all those armored larvae may cause my little tards to spontaneously combust.
  2. theDregs

    I think I hypnotized my chickens with grapes (chickens=dumb)

    Never ate them. Not so much as poop on the plate. I'll take them out in the morning. I am enjoying the quiet.
  3. theDregs

    I think I hypnotized my chickens with grapes (chickens=dumb)

    I have been giving my chicks treats since day 3. They love quinoa, flaxseed, clover, oats, and they even had a merry game of keep away with a piece of Rice Chex. Everyone here talks about how their chickens just LOVE grapes. So I cut a few in half and placed them in the brooder. It was...
  4. theDregs

    My dog just ate like 4 pounds of medicated chick starter.

    She seems fine, but god, the gas. I had to kick her out. She looks so sad out there, knocking out moths with her fumes.
  5. theDregs

    My dog just ate like 4 pounds of medicated chick starter.

    No, I have plenty left for the chicks. I think I'll put her in her crate on the deck tonight just in case. She's an angel when we're home, but she can't be trusted. I'm tempted to fatten her up on the stuff and process her.
  6. theDregs

    My dog just ate like 4 pounds of medicated chick starter.

    Sorry if this is the wrong section. I figured if anyone would have any advice, it would be in this section. I took my kids out for pizza. My wife and I both assumed that the other had put our American bulldog in her crate. We didn't. I come home to a dog with a full belly and a guilty look on...
  7. theDregs

    Hey!! I made BABY FOOD!!(Silkie Peep food :) *pics*

    I gave my 9 day olds a saucer with mixed quinoa and flaxseed (also grit!) they tore it up. Do lentils have poisons like other beans?
  8. theDregs

    getting ready to order chicks- Best hatchery? McMurrays?

    I'd like to put in a good word from Meyer. This is my first time ordering chicks, so I don't have much to compare them with, but it was a great experience. I ordered them on a Saturday because they were the only people who had customer service answering the phones on the weekend. I got 5 happy...
  9. theDregs

    Pellets vs crumbles

    Just curious here, has she had access to grit or been able to free range in a yard where she had access to dirt? I am pretty new, but I am pretty sure that's what the need to grind the pellets up.
  10. theDregs

    *UPDATE* with pics. Does one gender tend to develop faster?

    I was going to post this same subject! One of my neww EE's is noticeably bigger than the rest. She(?) is also very aggresive. Shen you open the brooder she will spread her wings, charge, and peck. Her comb is also more developed than the others too, but all of her is more developed. She is only...
  11. theDregs


    I am currently outlawing one county over in Cobb, I'd love some pointers on getting myself legal.
  12. theDregs

    Are you legal or an outlaw

    Outlaw baby! But, we only have one neighbor with a view of our yard and she has been bribed with eggs.
  13. theDregs

    Pullets killed by puppy. Please click this, I need someone to hug me.

    Then your neighbor is responsible for the damages. Tell him so, and if he doesn't pay up (and if it doesn't teach him to reign in his dog) then call animal control and pursue charges.
  14. theDregs

    what breed should i get next?

    I'd get a few ee's and a "hatchery choice' assortment. Ideal has lots of them. You can choose egglayers, meatbirds, colored egglayers, bantams, st runs, pullets, whatever. Then have fun over the next few months figuring out what you got. And next time you want to order you can get more birds...
  15. theDregs

    OK-I am officially very bad at this

    If you bought unsexed chicks, then statistically you are right on target with half being male. Not cursed at all. Or were you led to believe you bought pullets?
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