Recent content by TheNuggets

  1. TheNuggets

    is Quackers a drake?

    Here's an updated picture of Quackers in all his glory.. yup can't deny he is a drake
  2. TheNuggets

    is Quackers a drake?

    No doubt about it!!! Quackers IS a Drake!!! He's moulting his prepubescent feathers, rustic color change, voice change and has the Metallic Green coming in on his head and at his eyes! YAY!!!
  3. TheNuggets

    is Quackers a drake?

    This is better pic of Quackers up close by Waddles.
  4. TheNuggets

    is Quackers a drake?

    thanks for the audio...we are almost certain with that..he sounds different then Dipsy and Truffles also! =) altho Dipsy has a squeak to her..Truffles is 11 weeks old
  5. TheNuggets

    is Quackers a drake?

    He is raspy and has a white band around neck...his neck is longer as well.
  6. TheNuggets

    is Quackers a drake?

    Quackers and Dipsy playing in the yard. They are now 7 weeks old and we feel Quackers is showing signs of being a drake =) He(?) is different then the other two Rouen (Truffles not shown) What do you think??
  7. Quackers and Dipsy age 7 weeks

    Quackers and Dipsy age 7 weeks

  8. Rouen


  9. TheNuggets

    Which breeds did you wish you got?

    yes..The Reds we have are aggressive also..they are my least favorite and we decided no more reds! we love the austrolorpes..they are so gentle the first to go to bed at night =)
  10. TheNuggets

    Which breeds did you wish you got?

    we got a variety for the start of our flock. Americaunas (easter eggers), Rhode Island reds, Isa Browns, Black Sex Link, and Austrolorpes. (plus a Pekin and 3 Rowen ducks) We look forward to adding new varieties. I want to get some silkies as I hear they are so gentle and love being held =)...
  11. TheNuggets

    Hello =)

    =) yes it is a few names to remember. and quite fun. The teen boys have gotten good at know who is who when the are free ranging =)
  12. TheNuggets

    What do you have in your flock?

    We currently have .. 3 Isa Browns 3 Americaunas 2 Austrolorpes 2 Rhode Island Reds 1 Black Sexling 1 Pekin and 3 Rowen lol...such a funny flock with hilarious personalities. Hubby wants more..maybe next year =)
  13. TheNuggets

    Hello =)

    Happy Monday. We are new to the group and excited to learn. Our family members are proud owners of 11 chicks and 4 ducklings. =) learning so much as we go..and laughing A lot! We have our hut built and the lot almost completely enclosed. Next is the pond. lots to do, but wanted to introduce...
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