Recent content by Titaniumcranium

  1. Titaniumcranium

    Anyone getting chicks shipped from Meyer today? Want to wait with me?

    Mine shipped yesterday and I got a wake up call at 7 am saying they were at the post office waiting for me.They weren't even open yet.First time I have ordered chicks through the mail and I must say I am impressed with Meyer.All the chicks except one are eating and drinking.The one has a bum leg...
  2. Titaniumcranium

    RIR laying hens.NE Ohio

    Have 10 Rhode Island Reds in need of a new home.Hand raised,free range .16 months old.Good solid layers.Would like $12 each or $100 for all.Located in Lake county. Also have an Ameracauna Rooster,All white.Handsome fella.Make offer on him or he's free with the girls.
  3. Titaniumcranium

    Tale of two traps

    Well,things have been quiet on my end,traps have been checked daily since and no new activity other than something very light,light enough not to trip the trap,has been eating the bait inside one of the two traps.I imagine it must be a mouse or chipmunk.I'll continue to bait and monitor said...
  4. Titaniumcranium

    Tale of two traps

    Got a tale to tell regarding how my Fathers day went. My Dad lives in Seattle so I didn't get a chance to see him,I did call him however.Well after I called him,I took my dogs for a walk in the woods out back.They stuck around for a minute and then investigated an old barn that had fallen over...
  5. Titaniumcranium

    I am so sad and mad....Predators really.....

    Sorry to hear that,I have been lucky and haven't lost any of my girls yet*knock on wood* but I feel your pain. Sounds like a life lesson and I'm sorry that you have to go through it...
  6. Titaniumcranium

    Feel kinda crappy.....had to shoot a cat

    Quote: IMHO you are expecting too much. No,what I expect is a .10 cent bullet solving my problem,not a $35 bill to get a cat fixed that isn't mine to begin with. How is it lessening the population if you're releasing them back into the wild even if they are fixed? Because they're not...
  7. Titaniumcranium

    Feel kinda crappy.....had to shoot a cat

    Well first off let me say this,so people don't think I'm heartless,all the animals I've owned were strays or animals people couldn't keep.And it's been quite a few over the years. The problem I have with TNR is it doesn't solve the problem.There's still a feral cat population in an environment...
  8. Titaniumcranium

    Feel kinda crappy.....had to shoot a cat
  9. Titaniumcranium


    Thanks for all the replies. I just started getting greenish eggs from the Ameraucanas in the last day or so.One of which decided to go broody on me.She's been sitting on a clutch of mixed eggs for the last couple of days. Here's a pic of the colors of eggs I've been getting.They've slowed down...
  10. Titaniumcranium


    I have a question regarding the type of chicken to expect with different breeding. I have 10 RIR hens breeding with a white Ameraucauna rooster.I also have two Ameraucauna hens. I was wondering what I can expect from the RIR's mating with my white Ameraucauna roo. Will they lay green...
  11. Titaniumcranium

    White Rooster

    Yeah I'm not sure of his age but he's still pretty young. I got him off a guy down the road.He's still real skittish. I tell my friends I'll give um a $100 if they can catch him.No one has yet.
  12. Titaniumcranium

    3 hens flew the coop (Help)

    I had good luck catching my rooster in the rain,when he got out when I first got him.He wasn't able to fly away.Of course I was soaked by the time I caught him.Kept him locked in the coop for a couple days and now he just runs in there whenever I come around him,Works for me.
  13. Titaniumcranium

    White Rooster

    I have a white rooster that I believe to be an Ameraucauna. Figured I'd ask the pro's.Thanks for any help.
  14. Titaniumcranium

    i wish someone would have told me!!

    Here's another pic of the ledge the frame sits on before I put the tire on.
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