Recent content by VultureStew

  1. VultureStew

    A sneezy, coughing EE mystery

    I should probably add: she has been with all of the same birds her whole life, and we acquired them 8 months ago. No one New has been introduced to the mix!
  2. VultureStew

    A sneezy, coughing EE mystery

    Hello kind folks, I have a not-quite two-year older Easter Egger who is coughing/sneezing (I heard her once yesterday, but this morning it was very obvious. )She is in a coop with 4 other hens, and they free range all day. Here in Wisconsin it has been cool and rainy, but we have also had a bit...
  3. VultureStew

    Who'd like to take a guess - hen or rooster?

    You think 4 is a pullet, really? That would make us all very happy - he/she's the whole family's favorite at this point. Those pointy neck feathers and jaunty attitude confuse the heck out of me. Well, frankly, for a while I feared they were ALL roos, so two or three pullets in the bunch would...
  4. VultureStew

    Who'd like to take a guess - hen or rooster?

    Hello kind folks - I've lurked here for months, through the successful set up of a small coop & run, and then again as I incubated eggs for the first time. We had a successful hatch of 6 birds, and all 6 are now 7.5 weeks old. And I'm at the part of this process where I waffle daily between "I...
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