Recent content by wagnerg

  1. wagnerg

    Comment by 'wagnerg' in article '2 Months Into Chickendom'

    Here is what the coop and chickens look like a few years later:
  2. wagnerg

    Comment by 'wagnerg' in article 'Backyard Coop'

    Here is what the coop looks like after a few years of use:
  3. wagnerg

    Ended Coop Page Contest #3 - Win a $20 BYC Store Gift Certificate!
  4. wagnerg

    Comment by 'wagnerg' in article 'Backyard Coop'

    Sorry I don't but they would be similar to this one here:
  5. wagnerg

    2 Months Into Chickendom

    In July I started building my first Chicken coop. I had the coop done by the end of the month and I found my self picking out chicks from our local feed store. We got 5 hens (hopefully). A Buff Orpington, a Plymouth Rock, a Leghorn, an Easter Egger and a Black Australorp. I set them up on our...
  6. wagnerg

    Comment by 'wagnerg' in article 'Backyard Coop'

    Thanks for the kind words. The hen house is 3 feet off the ground, while the door is another 6 inches higher then that. It is little higher then many i have seen but I wanted it to be easy to clean underneath. My old back only bends so far!
  7. Backyard Coop

    Backyard Coop

    This is our new Chicken coop and below are some of the pictures I took during it's construction. After several days of reading and research I began the build for our backyard chicken coop. It's most similar to the Wichita chicken coop but has some ideas taken from many of the designs on...
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