Recent content by WitksChicks

  1. Coop Plans 1

    Coop Plans 1

    Here are the hand-drawn plans that my younger son and I came up with. These are the original (first draft of our plans. I am hoping to be able to redo these drawings with the correct measurements we used and get them posted as soon as possible. My husband and I followed...
  2. WitksChicks

    Witkschickss Page

    WitksChicks - The Clucking Club Well, we’ve finally decided to take the leap and jump on in the world of Chickens. The decision took 3 years to make. Every January my husband would start saying "We should get some chickens" and he would occasionally repeat this statement until late-February to...
  3. Coop Construction 1

    Coop Construction 1

    The Clucking Club-bana We started researching coop designs on BYC at length wanting to make the perfect (or almost perfect) home for our girls. After many hours of research a spiral notebook and two pencils, our younger son and I finally came up with a design we thought would suit our...
  4. WitksChicks

    BYC Personal Pages Upgrade

    Hi, I just clicked on the link you your page from this thread, and there is nothing on the page. I believe you have to keep the img information on the link in order for it to work properly. Perhaps, someone with more know-how/experience in posting can assist if this doesn't work. Good Luck!!
  5. WitksChicks

    Help!Over run with chipmunks in the chicken yard/coop!

    I've been told that the chipmunks are there because the chickens eat all the ticks. Ticks are what kill the chipmunks, they get lyme disease and die. I've had lyme disease, so I prefer the chipmunks, so I know the tick population in my back yard is next to null. So the chipmunk we have living...
  6. WitksChicks

    Post your ''Other'' Uses for feed bags

    Here's the link for the directions: NOTE: Instead of using a 2nd bag for the handles/straps, using the scraps I cut from the bag, I made 2 16" straps instead of 1 32" and cutting it in...
  7. WitksChicks

    Post your ''Other'' Uses for feed bags

    I turn mine into recyclable shopping bags. I'm always asked where I got them, when I tell people I made them, they go crazy for them and want one. They are great for 101 uses.
  8. WitksChicks

    I need a photo of the pliers that are used in applying pinless peepers

    Pinless peepers worked with my flock. They were pecking at each other, put the peepers on, and it resolved the problem. They are a necessary evil sometimes.
  9. WitksChicks

    what is this on my game-cam?

    I've seen a bobcat less than 2 miles from my home in just west of Hartford, CT, along the Rt. 6 corridor in Farmington/Bristol area. My cousin who lives 2.5 miles away has photos of one of they three that they have seen hunting in a field behind their home. They are out there in Central CT...
  10. WitksChicks

    Connect the Song Titles Game

    Coming Out Of The Dark ~~ Gloria Estefan
  11. WitksChicks

    Creative Coop Names

    x3 My coop is the "Clucking Clubana" (designed and built my me, with a little bit of help from DH, who didn't want me using the circular saw and lifting the real heavy stuff)
  12. WitksChicks

    Connect the Song Titles Game

    Hit Me With Your Best Shot ~ Pat Benatar
  13. WitksChicks

    Connect the Song Titles Game

    Bad Bad Leroy Brown - Jim Croce
  14. WitksChicks

    Connect the Song Titles Game

    Jailhouse Rock - Elvis Presley
  15. WitksChicks

    Pictures of My 3 Girls That Escaped

    my guess is: one on left is Rhode Island Red, middle one is Black Star (Black Sex Linked), one on right is Barred Rock. However, I'm far from a chicken ID expert, but I do have some of each.
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