Recent content by Wofford85

  1. Wofford85

    using fishing line above my garden to repel Hawks-? (question answered, thanks!!)

    I can't recall the weight but it's just standard fishing line, nothing fancy at all. I bought it in 500 yard rolls for $4.00 each. We've had two lines be snapped by hawks flying into it! One left two feathers wrapped in the line as well!
  2. Wofford85

    Goat Toys! How To Make Toys That Are Perfect For Your Goats!

    Our goats absolutely love trampolines!
  3. Wofford85

    Hen won't open eyes

    You made the comment "I don't want to take a $5 chicken to the vet." Disgusting. If you don't have money to take care of your animals then you shouldn't have animals. They are life and shouldn't be treated as throw away commodities just because something is wrong with them.
  4. Wofford85

    using fishing line above my garden to repel Hawks-? (question answered, thanks!!)

    Fishing line works. Period. We can argue all day but I have 1700 hards of line up over our coops and no chickens have been taken since. Hawks require clear path to swoop down. The line breaks up this path. Our line is attached to flag poles all around the yard (a sat view of our yard is...
  5. Wofford85

    Goat Toys! How To Make Toys That Are Perfect For Your Goats!

    Your male would be a good boyfriend for JoAnna (on the left).
  6. Wofford85

    Goat Toys! How To Make Toys That Are Perfect For Your Goats!

    Haha, very well. Gotta love those secret pets!
  7. Wofford85

    Goat Toys! How To Make Toys That Are Perfect For Your Goats!

    Have you tried asking the school to provide them with a bigger area? It wouldn't be too expensive if you rounded up all the students who cared and worked together!
  8. Wofford85

    Goat Toys! How To Make Toys That Are Perfect For Your Goats!

    I'm going home on Sunday to see them and make them some new toys!
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