Recent content by wolfladyrn2

  1. wolfladyrn2

    Sick Chicken - black comb and feet

    In this case it might have been frostbite but last night I noticed the same with one of my Rhode Island reds. She is lethargic, not moving just sits near the water. Last night her comb was grey but today it is black. Any thoughts????? It is summer here so not cold at all.
  2. wolfladyrn2

    Foot ? tumor--image included

    I have this chicken. She is approx. 2 yrs old. One month ago I notice a hard tumor looking growth on her foot near her 3rd toe. However when I went out to the coop this AM this is what I found. She still has the hard tumor looking growth but now she has a soft fluid filled area beside it...
  3. wolfladyrn2

    Urgent! Cut on leg that has pus

    I have so far cleaned the wound with Betadine and smeared Bacitracin all over it. Is there anything I should do to encourage the pus to drain? Do I need to separate these chickens from the rest of my flock? Are their eggs still OK to eat or should I discard them? I appreciate all the replies...
  4. wolfladyrn2

    Urgent! Cut on leg that has pus

    1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) Rhode Island Red, 7 months 2) What is the behavior, exactly. Standing on one leg most of the time but when walks limps 3) How long has the bird been exhibiting symptoms...
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