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    is it ok to have like 5 rooster together?
    Yard Farmer
    Yard Farmer
    If they are not fighting, and they grew up together, they should be just fine! :)
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    Reactions: Yah
    Is Vaseline safe to put on bear skin on a chicken ??? also does it make a hen who pecks it sick?
    Yard Farmer
    Yard Farmer
    You can put it on bear chicken skin, but I would recommend that if you have an injured bird, you separate the bird.
    What would happen if you crossed a easter egger rooster with a production red hen ?
    what do you all think happened to the Producers Pride brand hen layer feed ? Why did hens stop laying ? What was put in it ?
    Nothing was put in it. It was almost certainly a combination of the season, inexperienced new owners and stress from the harsh winter.

    It is possible that certain batches also were older than optimal as well, due to, again, inexperienced new owners and/or poor FIFO stocking in the stores
    What to do when you have a hen that tries to act like a rooster and tries to mate with the hens and your rooster gets mad and starts attacking her ???
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    Reactions: chrissynemetz
    The hen likely is having hormone issues, which can be caused by her nonfunctional ovary being damaged. That will make her act more like a rooster. She will either have to learn her place in the flock by the rooster, or you may have to remove her from the flock for a few days or permanently
    I agree, it's likely a hormone problem. Do you have any photos of her? How old is she?
    She's in a week a year old . She has lost a lot of feathers due to being attacked by the rooster. Like the top of her head and mid back no blood just bear skin
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