Recent content by YouStayClassy

  1. YouStayClassy


    I’d like to share this resource with you perhaps to aid in determining an answer without proper veterinary care / necropsy performed. Normally in these situations it is necessary to get a necropsy performed to determine the cause of death so you know exactly what you can do so you can prevent...
  2. YouStayClassy

    I just found all 26 of my ducks headless!?!?

    I’ve found absolutely the only way to secure chickens, ducks, geese from predators is to put them in high security lockdown at night (hardware cloth, 2-3 way locks, wood, no gaps, wire to prevent digging or solid bottom) and an electric fence or netting. I put my ducks and geese that can’t fly...
  3. YouStayClassy

    Can't seem to pinpoint the problem..

    Recently a Sultan of ours started to act drowsy, unstable and generally ill. We had a sharp weather drop, which is what I assumed was the cause, as these birds aren't hardy. I also guessed this to be eggbound, as she displayed all the symptoms, but I was incorrect on that guess. She felt too...
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