Recent content by Zero clucks

  1. Zero clucks

    Whitest speckled Sussex?

    Hi! I am looking for recommendations to a hatchery for the heaviest mottled/speckled whitest speckled Sussex. I know they get more mottled with molts, but I’ve seen some that are heavily white from year one. Thank you!
  2. Zero clucks

    Broody Hen Thread!

    Thank you for all that info! My BLRW flock has 11. That includes 3 roosters. They all came together and are a tight pack. They are accepting of new comers though because I've since then introduced 2 other adult BLRW hens. They took a day and practically shunned them but that was it. Now they're...
  3. Zero clucks

    Broody Hen Thread!

    So I'm pretty new to all this but I have a flock of BLRW. I bought 18 EE chicks from someone who had ordered too many. They are 5 weeks old now and I have them inside under a lamp. How do I introduce them? Will a hen take them in under her wing as her own or will they fight them away? And at...
  4. Zero clucks

    3 roosters and 5 hens

    Here's a weird observation...I've had this flock for a few days now and it's their first time being free range. Like I said, they all just turned a year old. No eggs yet but I assumed from the stress of the move, that's normal... So for the weird observation- none of my 3 roosters crow.
  5. Zero clucks

    3 roosters and 5 hens

    They are free range on 30 acres. They seem ok. No bareback hens. Everyone's fat, healthy and featherful.
  6. Zero clucks

    3 roosters and 5 hens

    Oh boy lol. I need way more then. BLRW are hard to find as it is:( Especially adults.
  7. Zero clucks

    3 roosters and 5 hens

    I have a flock that was raised together and everyone gets along. 5 hens and 3 roosters. My question is, what is the minimum I should have of hens per rooster? They will all be a year old next week
  8. BLRW


  9. Zero clucks

    BLRW breeder in the making!

    I've read good reviews on that one. You don't have any issues with it being styrofoam?
  10. Zero clucks

    BLRW breeder in the making!

    Just received my new flock this morning! It's their first day as free range chickens too:) the hens are laying and I have three Roo's.. What is the best incubator out there with about a 50 egg capacity?
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