Recent content by Zookeeper13

  1. Zookeeper13

    Hi everyone! Newbie here!

    He's not a people social roo! He's the reason the girls can't come out when we have company. Him and I finally came to a truce last summer. He won't kick me, and I won't try to love on him. That's why I missed the Bumble foot. He wasn't limping. He just wasn't acting like himself, he didn't call...
  2. Zookeeper13

    Hi everyone! Newbie here!

    This is Chipmunk, bandaged and stealing the cats' water.
  3. Zookeeper13

    Hi everyone! Newbie here!

    Started out with a Bumble foot infection on Wednesday. No avian vet available in my area, so I treated it myself. I'm still looking for baytril to give to him, can't order it anywhere! Friday morning he was attacked by my other too, who's normally very timid. He flew into the door I think. A...
  4. Zookeeper13

    Hi everyone! Newbie here!

    Hi, I've been lurking for awhile, finally joined! I've had chickens for 2 1/2 years. Added 2 ducks last year (they are still suspicious) and hatched chicks under my broody this summer! Right now I have a roo that's pretty beat up, he's moved in the house with the rest of the zoo.
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