Recent content by Zoologist

  1. Zoologist

    Rooster Rehab (advice needed)

    I haven’t seen this problem addressed so wanted to get your comments and ideas on this subject. A little backstory. I’ve had my rooster since he was about 6 months I believe from a breeder. We thought he was a girl so he was named Kitty (he is a silkie) Kitty was clingy, always following me...
  2. Zoologist

    What is color leakage? Why is it bad?

    Welp this blew up, correct I show my birds for fun at 4h shows. In fact I have a prize winning hen! I doubt they’ll mind the mixed in colors and if they do it’s worth the experience
  3. Zoologist

    Rooster Jumps on my shoulder for no reason!! What does this mean!

    I let my silkie rooster sit on my shoulder, never has been aggressive with me except maybe some light affectionate pecks or if I pick up his silkie wife and she screams he’ll peck me to tell me to put her down. Best friends he comes everywhere I go always following behind, I see nothing wrong...
  4. Zoologist

    What is color leakage? Why is it bad?

    Personally I find it pretty and still plan to show my bird even if they have the leakage. I think it’s dumb to say theirs a fault in the bird because of some gold strands
  5. Zoologist

    Is it weird I can communicate to my chickens?🤔

    I’ve spent a year with my flock learning their behaviors and language and now it’s at a point where I can without hesitation mimic their calls from alerting them to danger, small calling back and forth with them while I clean, scolded them when their mean, crow like my rooster, and much more...
  6. Zoologist

    Did you ever bring your chicken to Petco?

    This is an older post thread, but I’ve ordered a chicken diaper and a pet backpack. Already have a harness and plan to take my rooster to Rule King, Pets-mart, and or Petco. He is well behaved and very attached to me, he is a silkie named Kitty 💋🙃🍄
  7. Zoologist


    Thanks for the tips, much appreciated! 🙃
  8. Zoologist


    We had an extreme Arctic blast come through -32 degrees, snow, and 25 per mile hour winds. Lots of businesses shut down and told to stay home. We covered up all drafts except those leading into the run and put the chickens in, eventually we had to add some heat to avoid frostbite. Had some...
  9. Zoologist


    they’ve been stuck in the coop for the last couple of days due to cold weather so a bit dusty and had to block most of the airflow they just came out today since it warmed up
  10. Zoologist


    I’d get a picture of the bubbles but they keep coming and then popping quickly
  11. Zoologist


    No bubble currently after rinse. She’s been eating and drinking normal, but did warm up quiet fast today we had a big cold spell that needed suddenly
  12. Zoologist


    1 year old black silkie hen has bubbles in both eyes, sneezing, and shakes head when she sneezes. Don’t know what this is? Rinsed her eyes with saline. Any ideas? Can post pictures if that helps!
  13. Zoologist

    Neglected chicken! 😱

    Just got a 1 year old black silkie hen today from a lady, I believe this chicken was neglected. She lives in a farm and when I got her I noticed she was muddy and sneezing. Took her home and gave her a bath and that’s when I realized how bad it was. First offered her food and water, without any...
  14. Zoologist

    First time dealing with roundworms

    She died. Woke up this morning to a dead chicken. Sigh 😔
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