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  • Its ok, I might persuade my grandma in letting me get a few chickens to take their place :p I seem to be the only one who can do that to her.. :p
    Oh, I guess that makes sense. Although even if my chickens are flighty I would never give them away. I always believe in second chances, although Quincy would be a good example of me failing.. you know.. not able to tame him like I hoped.. :p Same goes for those Silkies, they still peck me..
    Haha, yeah.. The bantams are very easy to tame, although Stanley recently started trusting me. (Stanley is the HUGE blue orpington chick.)
    Okay cool. :) Speaking of fish we are eating Salmon tonight but I had a large ice cream cone so I am not hungry! :D
    Yeah... I have a rooster named Madison who doesn't mind being handled at all though... and Quincy goes completely bonkers if I even take a step towards him :p
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