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  • Where do i put a problem as I need help? I need people to give me ideas but dont know where to post to!!!,
    You can look in the forums section to see if there's a place your question would fit, and post a thread there. If it's a health emergency, you can post in the emergencies forum here.
    Good evening, I am looking for the person who took the picture of this blue hen. I am currently painting all of the 50 state birds and I would like to use this photo as a reference photo for my painting of the Delaware Blue Hen. I will be selling prints of my painting, so I just want to make sure the owner of this photo is ok with me using it as a reference! Hoping to see if I can find them :D


    • rooster.jpg
      841.7 KB · Views: 19
    Hi, I'd like to use your photo of Blue Hens on a slide in a presentation. The presentation is for internal training purposes unrelated to chickens or any commercial use.
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