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  • Hello Amiga,
    The female ducks get along great and I let them both free range while the drake remains inside his larger coop. The drake just won't lose interest in her. If they are even within ten metres of each other she freezes up, when he gets close to her she panics and makes A LOT of noise. IF ANYONE HAS ADIVE PLEASE FEEL FREE TO POST.
    Hello Amiga,
    I need urgent help because I cannot introduce a young female duck into the small group I have of ducks (drake and duck) without my drake chasing her and over mating her. If anyone has any ideas don't be afraid to post PLEASE HELP!!!!!
    Thanks for such a quick response!!....and sorry to have bothered you with such a trivial question....didn't think it thru....wasn't thinking about the fibers....was trying to avoid the grit til tbey got bigger for that very reason...thanks again!!
    Amiga....I have a question for you...and you are certainly very knowledgeable about ducks....if I make an alfafa soup by soaking some pellets in water would the ducklings need chick grit to go with it?....I have 7 khakis and 5 rouens just looking for something to supplement the crumbles....they are growing rapidly....eating 3+ cups a day....thanks a always have such good info.
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