Reviews by Bizzybirdy


Super Admin
Pros: The hens are curious, friendly, NOT broody and lay large white eggs just about all year around. Roosters are just beautiful!
Cons: Mine easily fly over a 6' fence to explore and will fly back in evening. BIG combs tend to freeze in extreme cold; I bring my roos inside below 15.
Love this breed. I had gotten an Andalusian hen several years ago and she laid several eggs that an EE hatched out and the resulting mixes look so closely like the purebreds. I love this hen and ordered 16 more blue laced Andalusians from Welp hatchery last year.

Hens are so friendly and curious, do not mind being picked up. Roos are a little more flighty, just typical roos. I like the fact that they are not broody as my EE's go beserk all Spring trying to raise constantly. Would rather not have that. Andalusians lay an nice size white egg all through the Winter. The roosters are stunning!

Only con for me is they LOVE to fly, over anything. Several of mine fly over a 6' chain link fence, out of the pen to explore but they fly back in the evening...except for two hens who insist on roosting in my gazeebo. I carry them back every night. And the roosters have huge combs and wattles that tend to freeze so I bring them (3) in on extremely cold nights when the temperature goes below 15 degrees...
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