Reviews by Captain Awesome

Pros: Friendly and gentle
Cons: None yet!
I have 6 of these Golden Comets. They are great layers. It is February and cold here and they are averaging 4-5 eggs a day. Summer should be even better. They are friendly, non aggressive, and very curious. They don't peck or harass each other. I really love watching them interact with each other, the family pets, and myself. When they were young I had a hard time getting them to go back into their run after being in the yard for a bit. I came to understand the meaning of the phrase "like herding chickens". Now that they are older they follow me like I'm their mother. Some may find it annoying but I love it when they gather around me and peck my shoelaces, pant cuffs, and just about anything else on me that they find curious or delicious looking!
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