Reviews by Georgia Dream

Pros: Good mothers, smart, good free rangers
Cons: roosters can be aggressive with other roosters, hens can be a handfull
My cluster of american game although small is a joy to have. My rooster (bossman) is a pro at waking you up in the morning with his crowing. He is sweet and loving, but from a distance. He is still on the fence between loving being petted and getting grumpy over it. He is very protective of his hens, but occasionally starts trouble with my other rooster (siren). Siren is an older rooster and hes my little police officer breaking up fights with the hens and with bossman when he causes trouble. They are free range part time. I allow them out in the garden and to romp around each day but they come back to their coop at night. My hens are a joy Penelope is a true sweetheart she loves attention and is very polite. Blackberry is friendly but has a tendency to get grumpy especially over her favorite corn. :) Betty, she complains...alot. Shes the most vocal of all the girls and if Siren doesnt pay her attention she throws a fit. Last but not least is Itty Bitty, she is very timid and shy, even moreso then Penelope.
Its true when they say each bird has its own personality. They are like a show to watch out in the garden. I do notice though that since blackberry is currently having her first laying episode. She is less friendly, more vocal then the others and very broody. Penelope is close behind with her. Penelope Bossman and Blackberry are all about 6 months old. Siren Betty and Itty Bitty are older and the hens are past their laying. I will mention ( i dont know if this is normal or not) but Bossman coming into maturity was an adventure all of its own. For a couple weeks he was less friendly. Almost borderline aggressive with his hens pushing them out of the way and being an overall jerk. Now though hes back to his normal docile self again.
These birds are amazing to own and easy to take care of, not to mention such a fun experience getting to know each personality. I would definitely recommend these to other first time bird owners like myself.
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