Reviews by LBurt6

Pros: Good egg layers, Lets my young kids hold them, doesn't mind my dogs, stays in my yard.
Cons: None
A favorite of our flock. We have two Black Sex-links in our flock and their personalities are different. "Killer" named by my son is the top bird and she keeps everyone in line, but shes also gentle. Doesn't attack or peck at the lower ranking birds. "Heartsy-May" named by one of my daughters is lower in the flock she just likes to hang with everyone, real mild temperament. Both birds will tolerate being held by my kids for short periods of time. They're both pretty to look at and enjoyable.



So honestly I hadn't heard of this breed until yesterday. I had one of my White Leghorn go broody on me totally unexpected there not know for being Broody. But my girl will not leave the nest despite pulling her out repeatedly for days. I finally gave up as my husband and I had been talking about adding blue or green eggs to our basket. (We currently have white and brown layers) So I went on a search for people local that have fertilized eggs for sale and there is a farm about 20 mins from me selling CLs. So I looked it up and was surprised it was a rare breed. Now I'm picking up eggs this afternoon and I'm excited and nervous as I've never had a hen hatch eggs for me before. Any suggestion to make this successful? This breed looks amazing and I'm excited to give it a try. The flightiness makes me a wee bit nervous as we do let our birds free range in our yard when I'm home. I'm hoping since the rest of the flock likes to stay in the yard the new birds will follow. I'll keep you updated, fingers crossed this is successful.
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