Reviews by localcommotion42


Super Admin
Pros: Friendly, Cute, Snuggly, Good around kids
Cons: NONE
They just are such a delight to have on the farm. I would not change a thing about these fun birds. "Captian Jack", my Frizzle Mottled Cochin bantam rooster, is my favorite bird on the farm. I rock him to sleep every night and wake every morning to the sound of his crow. He is very polite and is good to the girls. My coops would not be complete without a Cochin inside!


Super Admin
Pros: Great Mothers! Super Sweet!
Cons: NONE!!!
Overall, my Silkies are super awesome! They have already incubated my sizzle eggs and have 5 beautiful chicks she is raising! I would recommend these bantams to anybody!


Super Admin
Pros: Cute, Beautilful Feathering, Healthy Breed, Perfect for Natural Incubation
Cons: Not a reconized breed,
I just got my first Sizzles recently and love them. They are 2 weeks old and are so frisky. They hop and jump about and drive their foster mother crazy. They ar being raised by my Silver Partridge silkie hen and she loves her little ones. They sizzles are very unique in their style. They are such a joy to have around! I would recommend them to anyone.
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