Reviews by mtgrl


Super Admin
Pros: Lots of eggs, easy to keep, don't need a lot of space, mine are quite friendly, laid back, nice calls
Cons: Can't think of any
I found a wild pair of these in my front yard, but they acted surprisingly tame and weren't too hard to catch. I have no experience with birds except for a couple of old hens somebody gave me some years ago and a pair of parakeets I had, but it wasn't at all hard to learn how to take care of these birds. I put them in my parakeet cage and they started laying eggs immediately, every day. They were wild but didn't mind being in a cage at all. Compared to my parakeets, they made much better pets. They didn't try to escape their cage, they don't bite or peck, and they love each other a lot and never wanted to be separate (my parakeets were always fighting). They don't make a lot of noise and have a relaxing call. They also are a nice size and have soft feathers. Compared to the chickens or parakeets, they are much more pleasant to have around. Three chicks have hatched. The first one was very flighty and anxious and scared of people, but the second was very sweet and wouldn't sleep unless it was in my hand. The first one did pick on the younger one for the first couple of days, but once he was big enough to peck back, they stopped fighting and became very close. The third one died within the first few hours of it hatching and I'm not sure why. But the other two are very strong and doing extremely well. For me these bobwhite quail are very nice to keep as pets and all around working out quite well. I'm a beginner at this, but it's going quite smoothly. Also, quail eggs taste quite good.
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