Reviews by silkienewbiegurl


Super Admin
Pros: Great as pets, good around children and pets, sweet, stay close to home.
Cons: Not the best layers, susceptible to predation since they can't fly well.
Silkies are just about the silliest things I've ever seen and often drew the attention of people walking by the house. My neighborhood practically adopted my silkies. The girls had full run of the yard, which is along a busy street. They never went onto the road or onto the neighbor's property so were welcome by my neighbors since they weren't very noisy either. Silkies are excellent mothers and brood readily. They are very sweet in disposition and if socialized, are very comfortable around people and other animals and make great pets. Their eggs are on the "medium" size but are what I call my "diet eggs", which are great, especially if you are watching your cholesterol. I highly recommend silkies. They're awesome!
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