Reviews by smsabean

Pros: Very friendly, prolonged life span, continues to lay some well into old age, disease resistant.
Cons: probably averages 3 eggs per week, not a top rate layer
We love our Spitzhauben girl who is now going on to 9 years old. She has become the farm mascot and family pet and has earned her spot here as long as nature allows. She is a very friendly girl who will allow you to walk over and pick her up where ever she is. Loves to free range but tolerates confinement well when necessary. Knows where the bag of corn is in the house and will come in and search it out if the door is open. She has long since passed her peak laying but still lays a bit in the spring. Over the past 9 years we have had a number of chicken diseases that have passed through the flock but this girl seems to have exceptionally strong immunity. She never seems to display any of the symptoms that may be present within the flock. We have had losses from Marek's, coccidiosis, and infectious bronchitis and I honestly do not remember this girl ever exhibiting symptoms. She also seems to be good at avoiding predators which I partly account to her good flying ability. She likes to roost as high as she can in the pen, often roosting over doors when she can find space enough to do so.
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