Reviews by sophiaw00


Super Admin
Pros: Good layer, beautiful, dominant, lots of personallity
Cons: flighty, slightly aggressive, stubborn
I originally bought 8 pullets. I thought 2 were blue andalusians, but one turned out to be a splash marans instead (very hard to tell them apart as babies lol). They are all 25 weeks old now and my BA, Dixie, has only missed 2 days since she started laying. She has been laying for 2-3 weeks now. Her eggs are a nice white, rounded shape and are very large for being pullet eggs. She is also absolutely stunning for being a hatchery chick.

The only problem I have with Dixie is that she's very dominant which causes her to be very unwelcoming to newcomers. She pinned one of my newest chickens down and pecked her in the back of the head until she was almost dead. If I hadn't of found her when I did, that poor chicken wouldn't have made it. If you don't have a rooster though, BA will make a good replacement as Dixie is very protective over the other hens even though we have a rooster.
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