Reviews by sryglet

Pros: people-loving, lots of personality, mature quickly, adorable
Cons: crest is caused by sometimes-lethal gene
My crested ducks - not all of which are white - are amazing. They love people and tamed very easily. They have unique, quirky personalities, have no problem fitting in with new flockmates,
and love to be handled. Their crests, which vary from barely-there to large-and-in-charge double crests, make them utterly adorable and the "centerpiece" of the flock. They went from tiny, newborn ducklings to fully feathered in less than two months. Breeding them is sort of a morality dilemma - their crests are caused by a gene that causes a small hole in the top of the skull, which can be lethal, causing some eggs to never hatch. That being said, I think everyone should have at least one Crested, even if it's just so you can look at their goofy little heads and give them lots of cuddles!
Pros: friendly, quirky, tolerant of other fowl, beautiful
Cons: noisy, gets dirty easily
I was TERRIFIED of geese until we got our female Sebastopol, Lucy. She is adorable, gorgeous, and loves people (and other animals!). She loves scratches and will sit on my lap and eat treats from my hands. She doesn't nip, chase, or act territorial - and she greets us every day with hilarious rubber-chicken-esc calls. She lives with several ducks and two chickens and definitely considers herself to be "one of the ducks"; not only does she consider herself their protector, she is always right there with the flock, even offering a little grooming and cuddling. Make sure that you can provide your Sebastopol with plenty of fresh water - their curly, often white feathers tend to stain easily. Keep in mind that these geese can be noisy - they love to sound off with their hilarious calls day and night.

I would recommend this breed to absolutely everyone, especially those who have a mixed flock and need a calm, friendly goose.
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