Reviews by VivereIam


Super Admin
Pros: Beautiful bird
Cons: Doesn't like to be picked up, very loud, dirty, extremely aggressive.
When I started researching chicken breeds to start out with, "Cochin" immediately stood out to me. My friends had some that were the sweetest things, and everyone said they were an absolute joy, so I knew I had to get this Golden Lab of the chicken world. When my little chick arrived with the 5 other females, she was completely fine. She seemed normal, nothing special. Then, I don't know what happened, but she grew up to be the meanest hen in the world. She's aggressed towards all of the others in the flock, and even to the point of inciting the death of one of them. I don't know if I just got the bad egg, or what, but I never want to get another cochin in case I'm stuck with another one of her...
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