Reviews by zibby

Pros: friendly, curious, enjoy being handled
Cons: could fly out of the brooder coop by 2 weeks old
I will post a picture as soon as I can and update my review as time goes on and I learn more about these little birds.
My birds are hatchery birds so I do not know how well they do or do not conform to the standards. My interests are purely for enjoying new and interesting birds. I don't show. I raise for eggs to eat . I also like to raise eggs under broody hens so I like to find good mama birds.

So far my Nankins have been adorable little chicks. They are by far the most docile chicks I have ever had and that includes my silkies. They are always anxious to see me when I walk into to the room and will fly up the the edge of their brooder. They will climb into my hands and seem to enjoy being coddled. They are always curious about what is going on around them. They are in with 5 mystery bantams I picked up at a feed store and 4 Russian Orloffs, all the same age. Only one little chick seems a bit nervous but she has something wrong with one of her eyes and I don't know if here vision may be impaired.
They started flying well early. This may be a draw back when it comes to keeping them safely housed. So far however, they seem content to roost on the edge of their brooder and if they do come down for a walk about the room, they return to their flock of their own accord.
I think I am going to enjoy these little birds. I do hope any roosters remain docile.
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